knitting by my hands and from my heart

The yarn stash just keeps on growing! I'm a wife, a mom, a sister, a daughter, and a friend who works in Corporate America, lives in the Boston, MA area and is always looking for more time to knit.

Knits4fun at hotmail dot com

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Knitting while recovering

I had laparoscopic surgery on August 4th and have been trying to get some much-needed knitting finished and/or started while on my short-term leave!

I return to work on Monday so I will soon no longer have a lot of time to devote to my knitting; however, I feel I've accomplished quite a bit.

I've finished my tube socks (done in Patons Stretch Socks "Taffy"):

(and have one on the needles for gifts):

Today, beautiful Cascade 220 superwash yarn came in the mail (love when that happens :)) for C's 'back to school sweater.' I'm naming the sweater that to get myself motivated.

It's from the book Kids' Knitted Sweaters & More: "Northern Lights Sweater." Instead of the navy, I'm using Shire (green); instead of the red, I'm using Pumpkin Spice (brownish orange); in place of the lime green stripe, I'm using Tangerine; and in place of the orange stripe, I'm using Ruby. I'm hoping with C's coloring it turns out really nice.

Here's to continued productivity!

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link | posted by BerryKnitty at 3:50 PM |


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