knitting by my hands and from my heart

The yarn stash just keeps on growing! I'm a wife, a mom, a sister, a daughter, and a friend who works in Corporate America, lives in the Boston, MA area and is always looking for more time to knit.

Knits4fun at hotmail dot com

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Knitting in hot weather.

It is hot hot hot here. Humid too. But it really doesn't affect me picking up the needles as I did yesterday.

I've started working on this Lattice Baby Blanket from Mac & Me.

I am thankful to Ravelry. I found out there that there is an error in Row 3 of the Lattice stitch. You really don't see it (and I suppose you could live with it) and I would have gone along knitting as it's written had I not posted this project to Ravelry last night and saw what others had posted on this pattern. Thank you fellow Ravelers!!

I'm using Plymouth Yarn's "Jeannee" and I love the cottony softness and the easy-care of this yarn.


link | posted by BerryKnitty at 1:02 PM |


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